Original Research Article
Year: 2019 | Month: September | Volume: 9 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 296-300
Effect of Mulligan’s Traction Straight Leg Raise in Nurses with Restless Leg Syndrome
Pradnya A. Kamble1, Dr. Amrutkuvar S. Jadhav2, Dr. Trupti Yadav3, Dr. Khushboo Chotai3
1Intern, Faculty of Physiotherapy, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences ‘Deemed To Be’ University, Karad, Maharashtra, India
2Associate Professor, 3Assistant Professor,
Department of musculoskeletal sciences, faculty of Physiotherapy, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences ‘Deemed To Be’ University, Karad, Maharashtra, India
Corresponding Author: Dr. Amrutkuvar s. Jadhav
Background and objectives: Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is common condition and misdiagnosed. It is characterized by pulling, crawling, needle prickling like sensation deeply in legs. Sensation mostly occurs during rest. Symptoms of RLS are worst at night in which irresistible urge to move leg and sleep is disturbed. Non-pharmacological treatments such as physiotherapy treatment for the symptoms of RLS have few studies investigated. Mulligan’s traction straight leg raise is one mobilization may reduce symptoms of RLS. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of traction straight leg raise in nursing population having RLS.
Methods: Ethical clearance was obtained from institutional ethical committee. A Total of 50 consecutive nurses aged between 30 to 50 years were interviewed. They were selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Those who are fitting in inclusion exclusion criteria where allowed to fill restless leg syndrome scale and global rating scale in pre and post treatment.
Results: Restless leg syndrome rating scale(RLSRS) pretreatment average 21.14 (severe) and post treatment average 10.72 (mild) representing 66% improvement from baseline (p =< 0.0002). At the final session nurses reported global rating of change (GROC) ranged from +1(somewhat better) to +6(A great deal better) indicating better improvement in nurses from baseline
Conclusion: This presence study concluded that there was significant improvement in symptoms of restless leg syndrome in nurses after mulligan’s tSLR technique application.
Key words: RLS, nurses, traction straight leg raise, RLSRS GRC.