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Review Article

Year: 2019 | Month: July | Volume: 9 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 277-281

An Ayurvedic Vivechan on Arsha Vyadhi

Dr. Sunita Temhunna1, Dr. Sangram Mishra2, Dr. Nalinikant Parida3

1Assistant Professor, Dept. of Samhita siddhant, Rajiv Lochan Ayurvedic Medical College, Durg (C.G.)
2Professor and H.O.D. Dept. of Samhita Siddhant, Govt. Model Ayurvedic Medical College, Kolawada, Gujarat.
3Assistant Professor, Dept. of Dravya Guna, Rajiv Lochan Ayurvedic Medical College, Durg (C.G.)

Corresponding Author: Dr. Sunita Temhunna


In today’s society Ano rectal diseases have emerged as a quite common occurrence with progressive nature. According to Ayurvedic concept, aetiology of Arsha mainly interconnected with mandagni of the patients. Few important causes are sedentary life style, irregular bowel habit, low fiber diet, prolonged straining etc. According to Ayurveda, virudhdha-adhyashana, Utkatashana, Samudirna vega vinigrahata are some of the factors leads to mandagni. It is quite rare in children but more common in young and old adults. It is very common ailment of rectum affected as much as half of the population by the age 50 year. Hemorrhoids or piles are masses of tissues consist of muscles and elastic fibers with swollen, inflamed vasculatures along with supported surrounding tissues around the anal canal. This is mainly classified as external and internal piles. In these days many people want to know natural and easy going management of piles without disturbing their day to day activities. Here in this article an attempt has been made to point out different treatment principles which can be performed in home level with minimal medical interventional procedures like Kshar Sutra ligation, Kshar karma & Agnikarma only in case of any complications and emergency.

Key words: Arsha, mandagni.

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