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Original Research Article

Year: 2019 | Month: June | Volume: 9 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 171-179

Preparation of Tarakeswara Rasa- A Herbo Mineral Formulation

Krishnaveni. R1, Jacob. M. Titus2, T.V. Sreeni3

1Assistant Professor, 2Retired Professor, 3Associate Professor,
Department of Rasashastra and Bhaisajyakalpana, Government Ayurveda College, Trivandrum

Corresponding Author: Krishnaveni. R


Tarakeswara rasa is a popular herbo-metallic preparation mentioned in almost all Rasashastra literatures. There are about 79 yoga’s under the same name which differ in combination and quantity of Rasaushadhis. The current yoga is mentioned in Basavarajeeya bahumutra prakarana contains Rasasindoora, Abhraka, Vanga and Loha bhasmas. It is prescribed specifically for Diabetes and related urinary disorders like nephropathies. Each of these bhasma’s are potent Rasa Rasayanas used in treating Diabetes and its complications. In this research paper, the work done on pharmaceutical aspect of Tarakeswara rasa is detailed. Here preparing bhasmainvolves samanya, visesha shodana and marana of abhraka, vanga and loha respectively. Parada and Gandhaka undergo shodana, bhavana and kupipakwa nirmana to achieve Rasa sindoora. Abhraka, vanga and loha bhasmas are prepared as per classics andare mixed as per yoga to prepare Tarakeswara rasa.

Key words: Diabetes Mellitus, Tarakeswara Rasa, Rasa Rasayana, Abhraka, Vanga, Loha Rasasindoora

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