Review Article
Year: 2019 | Month: April | Volume: 9 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 279-285
Marma Sharira: The Science of Ayurveda is Contemplate of Martial Art
Hiarman Banjare1, Sachinkumar Baghel2, Susil Meher3, Sujit Dalai4
1PhD Scholar, Govt. Ayurved College, Balangir, Odisha
2Associate Professor, Govt Ayurvedic College, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh
3Associate Professor, Govt. Ayurved College, Balangir, Odisha
4Professor, Bharati Ayurved Medical College & Hospital, Durg, Chhattisgarh
Corresponding Author: Hiarman Banjare
Marma is a vital point or vulnerable spot where Sira (vains), Snayu (nerves), Sandhi (joints), Mamsa (muscles), Asthi (bones) and Kandara (ligament) crosses or connects, which explains Marmas as important connection centres or crossroads in the physical body (Sharira). Description of 107 Marmas given in Ayurvedic literature is being classified into five types on the basis of structural involvement in it. In view of the need for quick management for emergencies in the battlefield, in ancient India even the soldiers were taught about different Marma. Later on, on the basis of this knowledge of Marma an Indian martial art Kalaripayat was developed. The knowledge of Marma was circulated by the Budhist monks to other Asian countries especially China, Korea and Japan. And these counties further developed other traditional martial arts like Judo, Karate, Kung-fu etc. or plays accordingly.
Key words: Marma, Kallaripayat, Martial art, Vital point, Vulnerable spot, Karate