Review Article
Year: 2019 | Month: February | Volume: 9 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 251-258
Concept of the Arkān, Its Physical Elements and Non-Physical Entity (Naar): A Critical Review
Farzana Khatoon1, Ashfaque Ahmad2, Prof Ashhar Qadeer3, Badrudduja Khan4
1PG Scholar, Deptt of Kulliyat, AKTC, A.M.U Aligarh
2PG Scholar, Deptt of Moalejat, AKTC, A.M.U Aligarh
3Professor Deptt of Kulliyat, AKTC, AMU, Aligarh.
4Associate Professor, Deptt of Moalejat, AKTC, A.M.U Aligarh
Corresponding Author: Farzana Khatoon
Background: Arkān are primary constituents of human body and others. It is the first keystone of Umūr-e-Ṭabῑ’yya (the factors of physic), comes under the Asbᾱb-e-Maddiyya (Material Causes) which are the building blocks of everything in the universe.
Aims and Objectives:
To clear the classical theories about numbers of Arkān in the light of ancient as well as present concepts.
To consolidate the concept of ArkānArb’a (four basic elements) and evaluate the reasons for accepting Naar (energy) as an unsur (element) by Attibajamhoor.
To developed scientific literature about the Naar (Energy) as a non-physical entity.
To put forth a concrete and scientific logical concepts of Arkān, in the light of present perspectives.
Conclusion and Future perspectives:
After Scientific validation and strong literature of Arkān, there will be many doors are open regarding researches related to elementology (Physical elements and non-physical elements). With the knowledge of biological elements, we can restore the health, prevent & treat the diseases in future.
Key words: Unani Medicine, Asbᾱb-e-Wujood (Causes of Being), Asbᾱb-e-Maddiyya (Material Cause), ArkānArb’a ((four basic elements), Non-physical entity & Naar (Energy).