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Case Report

Year: 2019 | Month: January | Volume: 9 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 313-315

An Unusual Clinical Presentation of Nasopalatine Duct Cyst- A Case Report

Dr S.C Debnath1, Dr Anindita Bhagawati2, Dr Tanmoy Nath3, Dr Partha S Chakraborty4, Dr Vishnu Raj R5

1Associate Professor, 2Post Graduate Student, 3Senior Lecturer, 4Senior Lecturer, 5Post graduate Student,
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Regional Dental College, Assam, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr Anindita Bhagawati


Nasopalatine duct cyst also known as incisive canal cyst usually arises from remnants of nasopalatine duct, in midline of maxilla near the incisive canal, having male predilection. We report a case of nasopalatine duct cyst in a 24 year old male patient in lateral palatal region with dark brown mucinous aspiration, posing a diagnostic dilemma for us.

Key words: lateral palate, mucinous, nasopalatine duct cyst.

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