International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: March | Volume: 8 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 173-179

Effect of Brain Gym Exercise on Self-Esteem, Quality of Life and Symptoms among Schizophrenic Patients

Kshirabdhi Tanaya1, K Jayakrishnan2

1M.sc Tutor, 2Assistant Professor, SUM Nursing College, Siksha O Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.

Corresponding Author: Kshirabdhi Tanaya


An experimental study aimed to evaluate the effect of brain gym exercise on self-esteem, quality of life and symptoms among schizophrenic patients in selected hospital, Odisha with objectives to find the level of self esteem ,quality of life & symptoms among schizophrenic patients, to assess the effect of brain gym exercises on self esteem ,quality of life & symptoms among schizophrenic patients & to find the association between self esteem, quality of life & symptoms with selected demographic variables among schizophrenic patients. Total 45 participants were selected by using total enumeration sampling techniques. Rosenberg’s self esteem scale, WHOQOL-BREF Scale &PANSS Scale were used to assess the level of self esteem, quality of life & symptoms among participants. Brain gym exercise was given for 15 days. In analysis, there was statistically significant difference between pre test & post test scores of self esteem, quality of life & symptoms at p value <0.00001. Chi square association showed, level of self esteem was statistically significant with family history & quality of life was statistically significant with monthly family income at P value < 0.01 and the symptoms was statistically significant with educational status, occupation, marital status, duration from diagnosis at p value (<0.01), (0.01), (<0.01), (0.04). Study concluded that the brain gym exercise was effective in increasing the level of self esteem, quality of life & reducing symptoms among schizophrenic patients. Nursing personnel should utilize this exercise at clinical setting in improving self esteem, quality of life and enhancing the life style pattern of schizophrenic patients.

Key words: Self esteem, quality of life, Brain gym exercise.

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