Review Article
Year: 2017 | Month: Aug | Volume: 7 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 404-407
Factors Affecting the Placement of Implant in Irradiated Bone: A Literature Review
D.R. Prithviraj1, Sounder Raj2, Mamatha. N3
1Dean cum Director, 2Professor and Head of the Department, 3Post Graduate student
Department of Public Health Dentistry, Government Dental College and Research Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka 560002
Corresponding Author: Mamatha. N
The success rates of osseointegrated implants used to restore patients who were irradiated for head and neck tumors are greatly influenced by radiation-induced changes in the hard and soft tissues. There are increasing number of reports indicate successful use of dental implants (DI) during oral rehabilitation for head and neck cancer patients undergoing tumor surgery and radiation therapy. Patients cannot use conventional dentures due to the adverse effects of radiation therapy, which include dryness of the mouth or fragile mucosa, in addition to compromised anatomy. Implant-supported dentures are a feasible option for such patients. However, the adverse effects of radiation including osteoradionecrosis, are well documented in the literature, and early loss of implants in irradiated bone has also been reported.
Key words: dental implants, radiation, radiotherapy, rehabilitation, osseointegration, osteoradionecrosis.