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Case Report

Year: 2017 | Month: April | Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 463-467

Anatomical Variations in Mandibular Second Molar: A Case Series

Bala Saraswathi. K1, Dr. C. Sunil Kumar2, Dr. S. Datta Prasad3, Jahnavi. B1

1Post graduate, 2Professor, 3Professor & HOD,
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, C.K.S Theja Institute of Dental Sciences and Research, Tirupathi.

Corresponding Author: Bala Saraswathi. K


Anatomic variations may be present in any tooth. Knowing the typical morphology and their variations helps in better prognosis of the treatment performed. The result of successful endodontics revolves around knowledge, respect, and appreciation for root canal anatomy, and careful, thoughtful, meticulously performed cleaning and shaping procedures. Knowledge of pulpal anatomy, its possible variations is critical for success in endodontic and lack of such knowledge may lead to treatment failure. The most typical anatomy of a mandibular second molar is the presence of two roots and three root canals, but variations in the number of roots as well as canal morphology are not uncommon. This includes single canal, two canals, three and four canals, five canals and C-shaped canal system. Because proper cleaning, shaping, and three dimensional obturation of the entire root canal system is regarded as an important determinant to good prognosis, the variations in root canal system, thus, represents a challenge to its proper diagnosis, debridement and obturation.

Key words: Mandibular second molar, Root canal anatomy, Endodontic treatment.

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