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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: April | Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 191-198

Effect of Experimental Hyperglycemia on the Trigeminal Ganglia of Albino Rats

Muhamed Faizal P.A, Aijaz Ahmed Khan, Bijo Elsy

Department of Anatomy, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P, India

Corresponding Author: Aijaz Ahmed Khan


One of the most common presentations of long standing hyperglycemia is peripheral neuropathy which is possibly due to its deleterious effect on the primary sensory neurons located in the sensory ganglia. Therefore, the present study was aimed at to explore the effect of hyperglycemia on trigeminal ganglia. 24 animals were divided into four groups having six rats in each group; control, two week, two month and four month. Diabetes was induced with single dose of streptozotocin administered through intraperitoneal route (60 mg/kg). Body weight and blood sugar was monitored at biweekly interval. At the end of each experimental period animals were euthanized by deep ether anesthesia and blood samples were collected into sterilized vials by direct puncture of heart for biochemical analysis. Tissue were fixed in Karnovsky fixative and processed for light microscopical studies. Biochemical analysis and histopathological features revealed that increasing duration of hyperglycemia was associated with increased serum creatinine and reduced serum total protein; decrease proportion of small and medium sized neurons, increasing frequency of dark and dead neurons and thickening of capsular and endoneurial collagen and vascularity. It is therefore concluded that association of the long standing hyperglycemia with increased neuronal death and deposition of collagen fibres in sensory ganglia is most likely to be responsible for diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

Key words: Collagen, Diabetes, Neuronal death, Sensory ganglia

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