International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2016 | Month: October | Volume: 6 | Issue: 10 | Pages: 180-187

Assessment of Placental Weight, Newborn Birth Weight in Normal Pregnant Women and Anemic Pregnant Women: A Correlation and Comparative Study

Daljeet Kaur

University College of Nursing, Faridkot, Punjab, INDIA.


Introduction: Pregnancy is a joyful experience most of the times but it can also be a time of unknowns. Anemia is such a condition in which there is utero-placental insufficiency leads to poor placental and neonatal outcome. There is a dearth of research literature in the area of comparative study in Indian setting. Hence it was felt necessary to compare the changes in normal and anemic pregnant women.
Materials and methods: Non experimental, descriptive approach was used and Study was conducted in Maternity ward of Guru Gobind Singh Medical Hospital, Faridkot, (Punjab). Through purposive sampling 30 normal pregnant women and 30 anemic pregnant women and self structured tool was used for collection of data.
Results: The mean placental weight in 30 normal pregnant women was 521.00gms, Mean Placental weight in anemic pregnant women was 553.00gms. There is statistically no difference in placental weight in both groups. The mean birth weight in 30 normal pregnant women was 3152gms, Mean Placental weight in mild, moderate, severe anemic pregnant women was 3100 gms, 2800 gms, 2930gms.There was positive correlation between placental weight and baby’s weight at p value 0.05 level of significance.
Conclusion: The findings of the study provides us with the evidence that decrease or increase in maternal Haemoglobin levels leads to changes in the placental weight and due to alteration in placental weight it affects the birth weight. There is positive correlation between placental and birth weight.

Key words: Placental weight, Birth weight, pregnant women, Anemic, Normal, Newborn.

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