International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Year: 2025 | Month: January | Volume: 15 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 244-250

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20250132

Effectiveness of Speech and Language Intervention in Closed Head Injury- A Single Case Report

Rahul Kumminimana1, Anuradha S2

Lecturer, Department of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology
Institute for Communicative and Cognitive Neurosciences, Kavalappara, Shoranur, Kerala

Corresponding Author: Rahul Kumminimana


Brain damages due to Closed Head Injuries will lead to several speech and language impairments, hence understanding the communication deficits and the efficacy of speech and language therapy is essential. A 31 years old male with a history of Closed Head Injury following communication impairment was investigated. Following a detailed case history, assessment for Speech and Language skills, Oral Peripheral Mechanism Examination, Aerodynamic Measures, and administration of Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) and Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment (FDA) was done. Furthermore, fine and gross motor skills, semantic skills, pragmatic skills, cognitive skills, and sensory skills was informally assessed. Subsequent to examination, participant had moderate language deficits with a minimal impairment in speech functions. Subject had restricted tongue movements, impaired discourse, and poor pragmatic language. On FDA the subject showed mild dysarthria and WAB showed Aphasia Quotient of 66.4 indicating Transcortical Motor Aphasia. Following an intervention for 3-month period, Aphasia Quotient improved from 81.6 to 91.7 indicating Anomic Aphasia. Based on the above subject presentation, the study explores communication impairment following Closed Head Injury and importance of assessment and rehabilitation of speech language skills in restoring their communication skills.

Key words: Closed Head Injury, speech and language skills, rehabilitation

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