Year: 2025 | Month: January | Volume: 15 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 189-191
Unusual Presentation of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Upper Lip in a Young Male Patient: Case Report
Dr. Sanjita Mog1, Dr. Binay Debbarma2
1Senior Resident, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, 2Assistant professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology
Agartala Government Medical College, Tripura University, Agartala, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Sanjita Mog
Introduction: Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of lip and oral cavity cancer in the Head and Neck region. The present case is an unusual and uncommon growth of upper lip squamous cell carcinoma in a young male patient with severe health difficulties and cosmetic problems.
Case Presentation: A 30-year-old man noticed on his upper lip a spot which is insidious and gradually progressive. The lesion was red, firm and painless, attached to the skin. FNAC shows ‘Straw colour fluid aspiration and suggestive of vascular origin and CT angiography suggestive of Ill-defined heterogeneously lobulated mass lesion with central necrotic area measuring (2.8x2.21cm) in the upper lip. It was surgically removed, and the histopathological finding was Squamous cell carcinoma.
Conclusions: The prognosis of the tumour depends on the size of the tumour and infiltration in the tumour’s surrounding tissue and Intravascular spread.
Key words: Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC), Oral cavity Upper lip, Young.