International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Year: 2024 | Month: September | Volume: 14 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 55-60

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20240907

A Comparative Study on Ergonomic Evaluation Between Underprivileged and Privileged Secondary School Children

Vidhi Jain1, Dr. Priyanka Gokhale2, Dr. Ajay Kumar3

1Intern, 2Associate Professor, 3Professor, 2Cardiorespiratory Department of Physiotherapy
DPOS NETT College of Physiotherapy, Maharashtra University of Health Science, Thane, India.

Corresponding Author: Vidhi N. Jain


Background: Ergonomics is the study of people in their working environment. Ergonomic evaluation within the classroom of underprivileged and privileged school children can help detect the need for changes in physical ergonomics so that the habits are well practiced in adulthood and awareness about correct ergonomics could be given in different activity.
Objective: To compare ergonomic evaluation between underprivileged and privileged secondary school children using ergonomic assessment tool and physiocode posture application.
Method: In this study 200 students ,100 privileged and 100 underprivileged school students between age group 12-16 years were included who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria, ergonomic assessment tool and physiocode posture application were used to score each activity performed by the students.
Result: The statistical analysis showed that the mean ergonomic score was good for privileged school children (7.5/10- good ergonomics) compare to underprivileged school children (6.3/10- bad ergonomics).
Conclusion: This study concludes that privileged school children have better ergonomics compare to underprivileged school children but both the group require intervention and awareness about ergonomics to prevent further musculoskeletal injuries during later stage of life.

Key words: Ergonomics, Privileged, Underprivileged, Ergonomic assessment tool, Physiocode posture Application.

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