Year: 2024 | Month: May | Volume: 14 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 109-116
A Study to Assess Effectiveness of Nesting on Bio-Physiological Parameters and Sucking Response Among Low Birth Weight Babies in J.K. Loan Hospital Jaipur with a View to Develop an Educational Video
Dr. Jogendra Sharma1, Subhash Sharma2, Aruna D. Das3, Kavita4
1Principal of Govt. College of Nursing, 2Senior Professor, 3Nursing Tutor, 4M.Sc. Nursing
Govt. College of Nursing Jaipur, RUHS University, Jaipur (Rajasthan), India.
Corresponding Author: Kavita
Low Birth Weight babies have higher morbidity and mortality because they having the complaints of altered bio-physiological parameters and poor sucking response. The nesting is a nursing skill used ordinarily within the developmental care of low-birth-weight (LBW) babies. The study aimed to assess effectiveness of nesting. A quantitative research approach and pre-experimental one group pre & post test research design was used to conduct this study. The sample consisted of 30 LBW babies who are admitted at J. K. Loan Hospital Jaipur And purposive sampling technique was used to select the samples. The Bio-physiological parameters and modified feeding assessment observational checklist were used to collect data from samples after getting consent analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study showed that –
This study assessed the pre-test and post-test scores of bio-physiological parameters and sucking response in low birth weight babies admitted to J K Loan Hospital Jaipur. The pre-test mean scores for temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation were 98.49, 168.33, 48.53, and 81.16, respectively. The majority of participants (60%) had poor sucking response with a mean score of 4.16.
After applying nesting, the post-test mean scores for temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation were 98 (SD 0.34), 139.6 (SD 5.03), 39.46 (SD 5.28), and 95.93 (SD 0.53), respectively. The post-test results revealed that a significant improvement occurred in heart rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation, as evidenced by the calculated "paired t" values (16.59, 3.74, and 6.83, respectively). These values were greater than the tabulated "paired t" value (2.045) at 29 degrees of freedom and 0.05 level of significance, suggesting the effectiveness of nesting in maintaining these parameters.
Regarding sucking response, the majority of participants (66.67%) had good sucking response post-nesting, with a mean score of 9.33. The "paired t" value for sucking response (13.79) was also greater than the tabulated value, indicating a significant improvement in sucking response after nesting application.
Key words: Low Birth Weight, Bio- physiological parameters, Sucking response, Effectiveness, Nesting, Educational video.