International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Year: 2024 | Month: May | Volume: 14 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 77-83

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20240509

Prevalence of Forward Head Posture in Patients Diagnosed Clinically with Frozen Shoulder

Rushikesh Saste1, Prof. Albin Jerome2, R. Chidambaram3

1Physiotherapy Intern, St. Andrews College of Physiotherapy, Pune.
2Principal, St. Andrews College of Physiotherapy, Pune.
3Dean, Sri Manakula Vinayagar College of Physiotherapy, Puducherry.

Corresponding Author: Rushikesh Saste


Aim: To find the prevalence of Forward Head Posture in patients diagnosed clinically with Frozen Shoulder.
Objectives: To measure the Craniovertebral Angle of patients diagnosed with Frozen Shoulder using MB Ruler software and diagnose the presence of Forward Head Posture in them.
Methodology: A study was conducted with 67 subjects clinically diagnosed with Frozen Shoulder. Their Craniovertebral angle was measured in lateral view with photometric assessment using MB Ruler software and accordingly, the presence of Forward Head Posture (FHP) was observed. A CVA measurement less than 50° indicates FHP.
Results: A total of 67% out of the selected population has FHP deviation. This shows that almost 2/3rd of our selected Frozen Shoulder population has Forward Head Posture deviation. This underscores a substantial association between FHP and frozen shoulder, indicating that individuals with Frozen Shoulder may be more susceptible to developing or experiencing severe symptoms of Postural Malalignment in their cervical and upper back area due to changes in the overall normal biomechanics of the shoulder complex.
Conclusion: This study provides compelling evidence supporting the prevalence of FHP in individuals with Frozen Shoulder, highlighting the necessity for interdisciplinary approaches that integrate postural correction techniques with Frozen Shoulder management.
Clinical Implications: Addressing forward head posture in frozen shoulder management requires a comprehensive approach that targets both shoulder dysfunction and postural deviations. This may include manual therapy to restore scapular mechanics, corrective exercises to rebalance muscular imbalances, and postural education to promote awareness and self-management.

Key words: Frozen shoulder, Forward head posture, Craniovertebral angle, Postural correction, Biomechanical changes

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