Year: 2024 | Month: December | Volume: 14 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 255-264
Regional and Socioeconomic Dimensions of Tobacco Consumption in India: What Do NFHS-5 and GATS-2 Data Reveal?
Dr Raju Sarkar1
1Scientist C, Regional Resource Hub for Health Technology Assessment (HTA – RRH) Indian Institute of Public Health– Gandhinagar, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr Raju Sarkar
Background & objectives: Tobacco consumption remains a major public health issue in India, which is the second-largest consumer and third-largest producer of tobacco. Despite efforts like COTPA and the WHO FCTC, high tobacco use persists, especially in certain demographic groups. This study examines tobacco use trends and socioeconomic factors using data from the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) and the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS-2).
Methods: The study analyzed data from GATS-2 (2016-2017) and NFHS-5 (2019-2021), which covered extensive household samples across India. Study used multivariable binary logistic regression to assess the impact of factors like residence type, age, gender, and health awareness on smoking behaviour in India.
Results: The NFHS-5 data revealed that 9% of women and 38% of men aged 15 and older use tobacco, with higher rates in rural areas (10.5% for women and 42.7% for men). Logistic regression showed that rural residents were 1.6 times more likely to smoke than urban residents. Age and gender significantly impact smoking patterns—females 13.0 times more likely to smoke compared to males, and the awareness of health risks related to smoking also influences smoking behaviour.
Conclusion: The study analyzes tobacco consumption trends in India using NFHS-5 and GATS-2 data that show persistent challenges despite regulations. Socioeconomic status significantly influences tobacco use. Recent data indicates decline in both smoked and smokeless tobacco. The study offers insights for policymakers to develop targeted tobacco control strategies for diverse population groups by considering prevalence and regional variations.
Key words: Tobacco consumption, NFHS-5, GATS-2, logistic regression, health awareness