International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

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Original Research Article

Year: 2022 | Month: April | Volume: 12 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 174-195

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20220423

Effectiveness of Calisthenics and Breathing Exercise on Physical Exercise Capacity, Thoraco-Abdominal Excursion and Flexibility in Sedentary Overweight Women

Greeshma Girish1, Princy Mathew2

1P.G Student, (Cardio Respiratory), College of Physiotherapy, Medical Trust Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi-682309
2Associate Professor, College of Physiotherapy, Medical Trust Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi-682309

Corresponding Author: Princy Mathew


Background: Overweight and obesity have become a major health problem in both developed and developing countries. Most of the world’s population live in countries where over weight and obesity kills more people than underweight (1). The major risk factor for developing over weight and obesity is the sedentary behavior. Overweight and physical inactivity can be considered as the precursor of many non-communicable diseases. The physically inactive candidates should need a structured exercise program for improving their overall health and quality of life. Specific exercise program for improving the quality of life of these population is a need of the day. The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of low intensity calisthenics and breathing exercise on physical exercise capacity, thoraco-abdominal excursion and flexibility in sedentary overweight women                            
Methodology: A total of 16 subjects were selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, then divided equally into two groups: Group A (Experimental Group: n=8) received low intensity calisthenics and breathing exercise and Group B (Control group: n=8) does not received any form of exercise. Structured exercise program was held for four days a week (for 45 minutes) for 6 weeks using google meet app. Physical exercise capacity, thoraco-abdominal excursion and flexibility were measured at the beginning and sixth week after intervention using,6-minute-walk-test, cirtometry and sit and reach box.                                                    
Results: The results were analysed using t- test. Paired t- test was used to compare the results within the group and independent t-test to compare results between the groups. Significance level kept as p value < 0.05. The post result in the case of physical exercise capacity p=0.001 shows, there is a significant difference in posttest physical exercise capacity scores between the experimental and the control groups.
The results in case of thoraco-abdominal excursion in axillary, xiphisternal and umbilical regions are p<0.001, p<0.001and p=0.00 1 respectively. There is a significant difference in post-test Thoracoabdominal excursion scores between the experimental and the control groups.
The results in case of flexibility p <0.01 shows There is a significant difference in posttest flexibility scores between the experimental and the control groups. In the paired ‘t’ test Physical exercise capacity, Thoraco-abdominal excursion and Flexibility expressed significant improvement in experimental group. In case of un paired ‘t’ test all the three parameters of the experimental group expressed significant improvement compared to the control group.
Conclusion: The study concluded that, there is improvement in physical exercise capacity, thoraco-abdominal excursion (axillary, xiphisternal and umbilical region) and flexibility only in experimental group. The Experimental group shows significantly higher improvement in all the three parameters when compared to the control group.

Key words: Physical exercise capacity,6-minute walk test, cirtometry, thoraco-abdominal excursion (axillary, xiphisternal, umbilical) flexibility, sit and reach test.

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