Short Communication
Year: 2022 | Month: April | Volume: 12 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 124-127
Multiple Positional Airplane Splint Mechanism over Classical One Position Device
Parthasarathi Swain1, Minakshi Behera2, Yajnasenee Mohanty3, Sanket Kumar Rout4
1Demonstrator (P&O), National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (Divyangjan), ECR, Muttukadu, Kovalam Post, Chennai-603112, Tamil Nadu
2Asst. Professor (P&O), National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (Divyangjan), ECR, Muttukadu, Kovalam Post, Chennai-603112, Tamil Nadu
3Ex- Prosthetist & Orthotist, Endolite India Ltd., Mumbai, India-400016
4Ex - P&O Professional Trainee Academics, Swami Vivekananda National Institute of Rehabilitation Training and Research, Olaptur, Bairoi, Cuttack-754010, Odisha
Corresponding Author: Minakshi Behera
Brachial plexus injury, rotator cuff injury and shoulder subluxation are physically debilitating. Orthosis and patient compliance are critical to improve functional outcomes. Traditional treatment of these above conditions involved use of airplane splints which provided fixed abduction at the shoulder joint. These splints maintain a single abduction position and pose physical, social and environmental restrictions for the patient. To facilitate various manoeuvrable positions instead of the conventional 900 position of the classical airplane splint after recoverance of power at specific body segments. So, we have modified to the design of a pre-existing airplane shoulder splint, which is more advantageous than other existing splints. This is an adjustable, multipositional, less cumbersome plastic design. It helps in supporting the affected arm in desired position, and elbow in 90̊ flexion to full extension and also provides good cosmoses.
Key words: Multiple position splint, Air splint, Positional device, Shoulder splint.