Original Research Article
Year: 2022 | Month: March | Volume: 12 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 421-425
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20220356
Sexual Dimorphism in Adult Human Dry Sacra Comparing Sacral Index and Curvature Index
Greeshma V Biju1
1Tutor, Department of Anatomy, M.S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore
Human sacral bone is one of the most important bones used for identification of gender. Sex determination is one of the most vital steps necessary to establish identity from skeletal remains. Sexual dimorphism of skeletal structure develops during childhood and becomes pronounced at adolescence in human. Some bones are better indicators than others but no skeletal feature can be definitive for sexual differentiation. The pelvis is said to be the best marked and reliable characteristics for distinguishing sex in 90-95% subjects in the determination of personal individuality from adult human skeletal remains. This study is to compare the indices in identifying the dimorphism of adult human dry sacra.
Objective: - To compare the accuracy of identifying the sexual dimorphism of adult human dry sacra using sacral index and curvature index.
Methods: - The specimen (50 dry human adult sacra- 31 male and 19 female) for the study was taken, measured the parameters and calculated the indices in each sacrum. Calculated the mean, standard deviation, calculated range and demarcating point and the percentage of bone identified by demarcating point.
Results: - In the present study the mean sacral index for male was 97.30 and for female it was 116.64. The statistical study showed that it is highly significant in sex determination of sacrum. The mean value of curvature index is more in male (89.5) than females (87.9) only with a slight variation. Only 2 male sacra were identified as male by using the demarcating point of midventral curved length of sacrum. 15 sacra were identified as male by using the demarcating point of maximum breadth of sacrum. Only 1 male sacrum were identified as male by using the demarcating point of midventral curved length of sacrum. 17 sacra were identified as female by using the demarcating point of maximum height of sacrum.
Conclusion: - Sacral index was less (110) when compared to that of females (129) and but is the best index for the identification of sex of sacrum than curvature index.
Key words: Breadth of sacrum, Height of Sacrum, Sacral Index, Curvature Index.