Original Research Article
Year: 2020 | Month: September | Volume: 10 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 319-322
Perceptions of MBBS Students Regarding E-learning during COVID-19 Lockdown
Anjali N Shete1, K D Garkal2, Nanda Somwanshi3
1,2Associate Professor, Physiology, GMCH, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
3Professor and HOD, Physiology, GMCH, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
Corresponding Author: Anjali N Shete
Objective: Considering the relatively recent advent in teaching learning process in India, the teachers and students are in process of acquainted with the new E- learning system. At this point, students' opinion and viewpoint is important. The needs of the students can be explored and opinion regarding blending of virtual teaching can be done. The objective of the study was to find out the perceptions of students regarding E-learning during lockdown period of COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted at Government Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad, India. A sample size of 360 was calculated. MBBS students of all levels participated in this study. A Google questionnaire was developed and was validated by Medical education unit of the college. A pilot test was given to 25 participants to test the validity of Google questionnaire. Then the Google questionnaire was mailed to the students . The responses were analyzed with the Graphpad software 5 and Frequencies and percentages were computed for demographic data.
Results: Total 394 responses were received. 216 (55.5%) males and 178(45.5%) females participated in the study. Mobile phones was used by 224(57.6%) students and remaining 170(43.7%) use laptops for the study. Overall only 7.2 % students preferred to use only E- learning. 31.1% students preferred face to face learning. And majority 61.7% preferred a combination of face to face and E -learning as useful method of learning.
Conclusions: Students did not prefer E- learning over classroom learning. They admit the usefulness of E -learning. But, classroom learning with rational use of E -learning is preferred by the students.
Key words: E- learning, COVID-19, Face to face learning, Perceptions