Original Research Article
Year: 2020 | Month: August | Volume: 10 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 251-255
Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Self-Care Management among Heart Failure Patients
Lijo P Joseph
Associate Professor, Lourde College of Nursing, Taliparamba, Kerala.
Prevalence of heart failure is increasing among older adults. Though health care providers have a significant role to play in alleviating the distressing symptoms of heart failure, their efforts are limited especially in home set up. It would make significant impact in early recovery if the patients know the self-care management of heart failure. To evaluate the effectiveness of such teaching program the researcher selected 40 heart failure patients those who admitted in selected hospital. The design adopted for the study was one group pre-test post-test, Tools used were structured knowledge questionnaire and attitude questionnaire to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding self-care management of heart failure. The findings of the study showed a significant difference between the pre-test knowledge score and post-test knowledge score as well as pre-test attitude and post-test attitude, which was significant at 0.05 levels. Result of the study implies that the structured teaching programme was effective in increasing the knowledge and changing the attitude of subjects regarding heart failure self-care management.
Key words: Heart failure, Self-care management, Structured Teaching Programme